Friday, July 30, 2010

Does A Heart Murmur Kill A Dog

Will Horned

Not only do not believe in God, I also have serious doubts about the existence of George Mastrota.

Jesus walked on water. Yes, ok, but "miracle" seems exaggerated if they were already two hours past lunch.

Even God curse every now and then, because it is self-deprecating.

(More evidence that God is self-deprecating? Has been made in the image and likeness of Martufello)

God invented satire. Not be explained otherwise menstruation in women.

is not true that God is silent. He only broke the fuck of your supplications.

There is a strong scientific link between the occurrence of certain types of cancer and repeaters of Radio Maria. Vanishes so the hypothesis that it is a miracle.

God is a woman. Here everything is a mess!

When Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes. But many people have died of thirst.

"Judge not, lest you be judged." If you have a Lodo Alfano, even better.

Even God must pay fees RAI.

(For some things there that takes Christ)

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me, not desire your neighbor's wife, remember to keep holy the festivals ... ok I understand, God is a woman.

Just follow the 10 commandments for a holy life and sad. And still end up in hell.

The founder of the Knights of the Light is Chiara Almirante. It must be an unfortunate surname.

"If you abuse your right cheek, you turn to him the other also." Great teaching. Especially for a bukkake.

Jesus founded the Church of San Pietro. Still gasps under the foundations.

Christ gave us three days to rise again: ok, good effort. Bravo. But you leave a sheet so low?

Do you know why the image of Christ on the cross is the front? Why had it been the reverse would have seemed Yuppy Du.

One takes six days to do all the other three only to rise again. Or if the grip is comfortable, or did not have the verve of his father.

Pontius Pilate has always been criticized. But never for his personal hygiene.

And if Jesus was crucified because Allah is truly great?

But Moses, the waters, including those who have in common?

Why should we trust a man who rules us with a magic staff calling us sheep?

(Because in hindsight that's not a stick)

Man is imperfect. So the sperm of God is not good.

The last words of Jesus on the cross would be addressed to Peter. From reconstructions we have only a fragment, containing the words "pulls" and "finger".

Mary was a virgin. Then she gave birth and has run due to invent a religion.

St. Francis spoke to the birds. Sometimes the cagavano.

Few people know the name of God may work with the players as South America.

God created man, then gave him the Bible. Why that was looking for someone to explain it to him.

[Authors: ASC, Dogs & Pigs , Castorovolante , God, Kra, Orio, UomoMordeCane ]


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