Monday, August 31, 2009

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love is ..... Want more for others.

A guy walking between the fields, he found an old lamp and went out while she cleaned the famous genius. They told him once that he could have three wishes, but whatever he had asked his wife would have been a thousand times. The man thought for a moment and then said: "I first wish as well be the most beautiful man on earth," and both said the genie, but remember that your wife will be the most beautiful woman in the universe, "is nothing, "replied the man so I'll be the fairest of the land and will stay with me. "As the second wish," the man said "I want to be the richest on earth," and both said the genius, but your wife will be the richest of the universe "does not matter," the man replied "I will be so much better looking and richest of the earth and will certainly with me. "curious asked Genius to express the third and last wish and the man, candidly replied," you can have a small heart attack ?".....

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Friday, August 28, 2009

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I would like but I can not ...


Part of the book but I can not!

For example I want 16 wives, so you can make love every day with a different but no more 2 times per month with the same ... and I also occasionally did love each other (sorry for the perversion!)

I also that there were mountain resorts bordering the sea, x can have a holiday combining both.

140 million I would have won the lottery, I could afford the 16 x wives referred to above and to be able to buy a pair of shoes to some poor person in need (expensive Shang, see how you think ?...)

I wish the wind moved the waves and the waves would bring about the dreams ... I wish them all the dreams you could materialize and take shape and become visible to all ... ... so we will see how much crap you put in the head people!

I would like to see Inter x crying shame all the evil thoughts which are capable of.

I wish there was a machine that does gymnastics while at the bar ... and all its physical benefits I can receive them! I would always be a physical pauuuuuuuura, mejo of Apollo!

I would like the tongue of tuna cans do not break when you try to open them ... and that the catches of mailboxes sminchiassero not use them after 2 months!

Dear Guest of the wonderful "Shang.Chiang Blog", you can send everything you've wanted to achieve in life and that an x ox why another was a unspoken desire ...

perhaps because the necessary efforts were above your skills ...

or contrary to the laws of nature ...

or because you lost an opportunity to the right time ... or why science

not yet arrived ...

short, no matter why, but surely you also have the "but I can not" to give away!

Enter your "but I can not" in comments below, and always votes in the comments from other readers.

Please be assured that as a result of the vote (completely rigged), the top 10 will be included in the special Top Ten and later published in a specific post, citing the authors. The authors

which, in addition to the honor of being featured in the great "Shang.Chiang Blog", will receive a fantastic Gabbariello with red feet!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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The era of global communication. Beppe Grillo

Welcome to the Age of Global Communication. Our dead are overturned in the grave for the bad luck that hit them: We are not able to participate in this Great Age.

The Great Communication Overall, then there is an earthquake of 162,000 deaths from Hawaii and say, "Well, we had predicted a few hours in advance, just do not know who to call."
I live in Brianza and I now offer a volunteer. If it is felt an earthquake in my part, well that phone to me, day and night, weekdays and holidays, then I'll try to tell someone ...
On the other hand, the animals were saved. They had no telephone and fax, but the creatures is enough instinct. Apparently, a survey area at the Yala National Park, Sri Lanka, did not show bodies of dead animals.
probably from Hawaii have phoned them. In the Age of the Great Global Communications, there must be a water buffalo with a cell phone, right? And
have saved the indigenous Andaman and Nicobar Islands, those who hunt with bow and arrows, those data for extinct, because poor people are poor communication global ... But they have seen the tide retreated and have gone up with animals.

Other examples of information and maybe a little overall, but certainly more intelligent? You might mention Tilly, a British girl of ten years. He knew something had not read the brochure on holiday, because the brochure did not have never written any, but that he had learned in school, incidentally. He knew, in short, What are tsunamis and how they manifest themselves. And so, on a beach near Phuket, has saved hundreds of people told in advance. Also in Phuket, the director of the Holiday Inn has saved its customers doing the same thing. He had it written on the manual "How to become a successful director in the era of new economy?". No, he realized that the tsunami came through to read his grandmother's proverbs, just overall, but a great communicator.

sixty era of global communication channels speak to me of the tsunami and they say the weirdest things. The island of Sumatra moved thirty meters and thirty centimeters, then five, eight, twenty-nine, is higher, lower, wider, narrower, has turned on itself and eventually went away completely, have the view in Alassio, near the Gallinara.
The Earth's axis is tilted a bit '. A little 'how much? Bo, some say a few kilometers, some say a few inches ... Shit, what will happen? We will make the way of the dinosaur? Yes, no, boh? In the Age of Global Communications you put in your hand like that and get your news. See if you keep aside the money to build an ark of Noah and reach steering wheel or wait for the worlds best death glaciation.

Someone reported to be quiet, but it was too little catastrophic, they are seeing too little overall, because they have quashed and sent a bit 'of advertising. And we, in the Age of Global Communication, we have millions of information that you enter the house by television, radio, newspapers ... and we do not know if they are true, false, exaggerated, minimized, or if they are useful if they are useless ... We do not know everything and nothing.

The Great Global Communications and can not speak. If I could I would. But though. But but. I mi. Argh, I find it chilling to me. On television, everybody says, and not only there. But I have explained to me that now you can say "me me". E 'tolerated. When I was elementary school, my teacher liked to listen to my fingernails scratching a blackboard, rather than "me me". Now I read on a modern grammar as follows: "The repetition of the pronoun is permitted in the spoken language, which responds to needs highlighted. Shit, will address the need of forced education. Not being able to give the ignorant politicians, presenters, conductors, heads of companies and others like them, the repetition of the pronoun we turned it into a necessity.

Ah, TV ... What a wonderful invention, that great source of useful information. There is a program to get the diagnosis of pain. Tells you how to check your ailments, such as naming them. I am a hypochondriac and when by chance we got in in time between the press of a button I get the other symptoms of at least six diseases, two of which were fatal.

era of global communication we can speak with the world. Send sms, email, chat all night with a fat lady in Maine who does the collection of cholesterol and sent us a picture of a pussy grip on the web, talk, communicate, communicate, communicate ... then for a date not earlier you shoot in the face! If

phones to a call center because they know you. Sometimes, without you. Assuming that someone responds. Admitted you do not bang the phone down. We are in the Age of Global Communications and we can no longer communicate with anyone. Once you went from whom you had sold a product and you said: "Oh, Ciccio, this stuff works ... I do not." Now its time to call a number. Green, at best. When pay is not good. Do you have a problem due to one of their products and pay to tell her. Then you pay to stay on hold and then they make you turn so many people at the end if you do not already have them down you put down. We have sold a product or service that does not work or has problems and pay to stay in the shit! It is the world upside down, but move a few inches ...

era of global communication communications come to us even when we do not want. Overwhelm us. Daily discharge ten tons of spam in my mailbox. Every day, at least a hundred e-mail with subject "ENLARGE YOUR PENIS." They want to sell me a method to enlarge dick. The credentials are very good indeed: I have already come two balls as well.

Now send unsolicited e-mails with this premise: In accordance with the Privacy Law 675/96, we inform you that your E-Mail has been found on search engines. And then? I have sent an email to return it?

era of global communication, there are nearly one billion illiterate in the world and 13% of children who have never seen a school in their lives (UNICEF says, eh, not the society of perdiballe). We are all depressed. The couples leave because there is no dialogue. The children and parents no longer communicate and communicate if you do not understand. Dad, I need 300 bags' I have to buy a hard disk, I have too few gigs. Eh, what the fuck you say? But you can not get drunk at the disco like everyone else?

We stopped talking and started to call. We stopped to call us and we started to send text messages. Normal ones, colored ones, the ones with the little drawing, the ones with pictures and those with the movie. Hello, I am sending you a movie of myself while I say hello! But bad ass, just two steps away and come home to tell me, that I offer you a coffee.

We are crazy. Subscribe today and get 5000 text messages for free! 5000? What the fuck do I have to say with SMS 5000? But to whom I send them? Free, of course. We always gives someone something. Free, free, free. This is the statement: do it now, it's free! Subscribe, it's free. Click here for free. It 's all free! But you, except to close friends and relatives, have you ever given something to someone? I do not mean charity. I speak to get something, maybe you do you, the fruit of your work, and give it to a perfect stranger who passes by. So, for the sake of a present. Maybe I do not know, there's a plumber in your midst. A plumber that you are reading, did you ever happen to pick up the phone, make a random number and say, "Hello, I am a plumber, I would come to his house to renew access tubes, for free?

And in the Age of Global Communications to communicate even when you shut up. With the tacit consent. One morning you wake up, for example, and find that you have a voicemail service. And you ask yourself. According to shut up! If you talk, maybe I will not put. But since you have been quiet ... fuck you want? They fill you with these services. You're surrounded. In fact, it's all around you. When I see Gale now I feel like skinning that Bonehead's. And to have them remove you phone the call center. And maybe you will not even arise. That cares for them, so that you can do? Communicate? Who? To see the faces of any of these you have to wait to call them in those transmission Mi Manda RaiTre. O Gabibbo.
The Great Global Communications and the only hope that you communicate with these people is that Gabibbo will take pity on you.

era of global communication we have lost the meaning of words. Kill a word a day. If you are against the war are no longer a pacifist. Are you a terrorist. Or we took control. If the head of your government decides to be democratic, you are no less favorable to his ideas (if you are), but you're undemocratic. If you do not agree with his right hand that rules in a given time (mind you, that there is not all right), then you are a communist. But I am not a Communist! I do not like communism. I do not like the left, actually. I'm a precarious worker, do not give me the home loan, and the co-co-co if you invented the left! Then you're an anarchist. S useless anarchist, fuck! Ah, well, you are irascible, eh? Then you're an anarcho-insurrectionist.

So what global communication? Who communicates what? I do not know more, I do not care. I will from now on I will only specific communication, partial Specifically, in my life. The only certainty that I'll be what I can prove. I'm not interested in the opinions of anyone, if I hear them on television. If it hurts your butt, I do not say a television program as I position myself in the mirror, see if I have hemorrhoids or not and how to cure them. I go to the dear old doctor and say, "Hello Doctor, I hurt my ass." He will know what to do.

The problem is that in this era of great global communication, when it hurts your ass is not for hemorrhoids ...

How To Get Rid Of A 2 Weeks Pregnancy

Review of Psychology ...

read the question, try to find the answer and later,
"after" look at the final result.
NOT 'a trick question.
tranquillizare If you can, many have not been able to respond.

A woman, while he was at the funeral of his mother,
saw a man and fell in love with him instantly.
I think it was the man of her life, but did not ask the name, nor the number of
phone and then could not see him again.

few days' later, the woman killed her sister!

Question: WHY 'The killed him?

Just think 'before answering .....

you think enough?

ANSWER: Hope to see you at the funeral of his sister ...

If you think you've done well as a psychopath ..

The author of this test is a famous American psychologist and
is used to check if you have the mentality of murderess. Serial-killer
Many detainees have participated in the test by answering correctly.

If not your case ... PERFECT!

But if you've responded well let me know ... I'll see 'do not accept you to my contacts :-))