Friday, August 28, 2009

How Do You Clean A Gateway Nobel Moakuo Mouse

I would like but I can not ...


Part of the book but I can not!

For example I want 16 wives, so you can make love every day with a different but no more 2 times per month with the same ... and I also occasionally did love each other (sorry for the perversion!)

I also that there were mountain resorts bordering the sea, x can have a holiday combining both.

140 million I would have won the lottery, I could afford the 16 x wives referred to above and to be able to buy a pair of shoes to some poor person in need (expensive Shang, see how you think ?...)

I wish the wind moved the waves and the waves would bring about the dreams ... I wish them all the dreams you could materialize and take shape and become visible to all ... ... so we will see how much crap you put in the head people!

I would like to see Inter x crying shame all the evil thoughts which are capable of.

I wish there was a machine that does gymnastics while at the bar ... and all its physical benefits I can receive them! I would always be a physical pauuuuuuuura, mejo of Apollo!

I would like the tongue of tuna cans do not break when you try to open them ... and that the catches of mailboxes sminchiassero not use them after 2 months!

Dear Guest of the wonderful "Shang.Chiang Blog", you can send everything you've wanted to achieve in life and that an x ox why another was a unspoken desire ...

perhaps because the necessary efforts were above your skills ...

or contrary to the laws of nature ...

or because you lost an opportunity to the right time ... or why science

not yet arrived ...

short, no matter why, but surely you also have the "but I can not" to give away!

Enter your "but I can not" in comments below, and always votes in the comments from other readers.

Please be assured that as a result of the vote (completely rigged), the top 10 will be included in the special Top Ten and later published in a specific post, citing the authors. The authors

which, in addition to the honor of being featured in the great "Shang.Chiang Blog", will receive a fantastic Gabbariello with red feet!


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