Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How To Get Rid Of A 2 Weeks Pregnancy

Review of Psychology ...

read the question, try to find the answer and later,
"after" look at the final result.
NOT 'a trick question.
tranquillizare If you can, many have not been able to respond.

A woman, while he was at the funeral of his mother,
saw a man and fell in love with him instantly.
I think it was the man of her life, but did not ask the name, nor the number of
phone and then could not see him again.

few days' later, the woman killed her sister!

Question: WHY 'The killed him?

Just think 'before answering .....

you think enough?

ANSWER: Hope to see you at the funeral of his sister ...

If you think you've done well as a psychopath ..

The author of this test is a famous American psychologist and
is used to check if you have the mentality of murderess. Serial-killer
Many detainees have participated in the test by answering correctly.

If not your case ... PERFECT!

But if you've responded well let me know ... I'll see 'do not accept you to my contacts :-))


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